People are always talking about the importance of self-care for parents, and I totally know what they're talking about - a happy parent does a much better job at caring for children. The word "self-care" is kind of vague, though. What does self-care look like in your life?
I completely agree that a happy parent does a much better job. I know I am way more patient and loving towards my son as well as everyone else if I have days with "me time". This usually means taking a bath when my husband comes home from work or going on a walk alone. On Mother's Day when he asked what I wanted, I said a night of uninterrupted sleep so he slept next to the baby and I slept close to 12 hours. I felt like a brand spanking new woman! It was seriously delightful.
For my husband, his alone time is usually spent out in the garage working on a project or watching a hunting show. He also loves getting to the gym every morning. I notice a huge difference when he makes sure to take a little time for himself.
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