My little one's case is being moved to TPR. Mom stopped visiting months ago. Great Grandma started monitored visits two months ago. Since Great Grandma started visiting two months ago, my little one has gone from reasonable behavior to horrible behavior. I have had to pull him out of sports, and he is only allowed by his school to be there on a modified basis. I want the visits stopped because of the negative impact on the child. If TPR occurs, does that stop family visits or would the judge order that they continue?
' Great Grandma ' would be the ' Mom's Grandma ' ? What is her relationship to the child? Are you able to prove ? The behavior (s) are directly related to the visits? I would question and this should be documented ? What occurs during the visits? Most states would rule in favor of ' Great Grandma ' without ' batting an eye ' ...
Does the child have cognitive ability to understand what the visits are about ?? Why are the visits under supervision also ???
Yes. Mom's grandma. BD is unknown. I have only been told a little about the issues with great grandma. She had a case with social services regarding BM when BM was younger. BM said great grandma supplied her with drugs. SW said that great grandma is a bit of a hoarder. Great grandma declined to take a drug test when asked to do so by social services. She agreed to take the test a couple of months later. I don't know if these are the reasons for monitoring the visit or not. Great grandma has asked for custody twice, appealed twice, and been turned down each time.
You would need to ' hard prove ' the Chemical Dependency usuage?
The ' Chemical Dependency ' usuage would be viable, but you need ' hard evidence . ' and not ' hearsay '.
I don't have much contact with Great Grandma beyond dropping the little guy off and picking him up. I suppose we'll just have to muddle through with visits and see what happens if rights are terminated. I started the little guy in therapy. He is only four but maybe it will help.
I had a similar situation with a placement we had a couple years ago. Unfortunately the TPR is not the turning point for those visits, at least not here anyway. However, if you adopt him, you decide who he visits and when.
A lot of states do allow for legally-enforceable post-adoption contact contracts in foster adoption. (Wow, that was a crazy sentence.) You'll need to make sure that you review any documents like that carefully so you don't find yourself legally bound to visitations that are going to create problems for your little one.
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