Divorce is hard enough. Combine that with being adoptive parents in an open adoption and you get a huge mess, or so it seems to me. I don't know how I could handle it if I were in that situation.
I know several young, single women (including myself) who placed with adoptive couples because it was important to them that their child have a two parent home. However, adoptive couples are not immune to the stressors put on any marriage, and sometimes divorce happens. So now you have two single parents trying to figure out custody, and a potentially very hurt and confused birth mother.
As a birth mom, it would be so hard for me should my birth daughter's parents get divorced. I think I would struggle with regretting my decision, because I know I could be just as good a single parent as anyone. If I were the adoptive parent, I might feel like I had failed both my child, my marriage, and the birth mom.
Has anyone been in/heard about this situation? Any suggestions for those going through it?