I saw a rude comment the other day, and it has had me thinking. I know sometimes it can take a long time for parents to find a match. For those of you who have both biological and adopted children, do you feel as though couples who are waiting to adopt have animosity towards you? Like maybe they feel you shouldn't have adopted since you were able to have kids biologically?
I see this all the time. It annoys me. Just because you have biological children doesn't mean you shouldn't adopt. Children are not a commodity, and shouldnt be looked at that way. I feel like sokr people view adoptable babies as being in "short supply" and those who struggle with in fertility should get first dibs. I don't like that at all.
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I totally agree with that! And there are plenty of people who have fertility issues who don't want to adopt. I think sometimes people assume the two are suppose to go together.
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: : I agree, Ashley. I currently don't have any known fertility issues; however, in past serious committed relationships birth just never happened organically. Although for me, there was also no serious "intentional trying" either. Even if I were in the right relationship and we talked about it, there's no certainty that we still wouldn't want to adopt as well. Ever since I was young it was in the back of my mind as an option on my heart to adopt. I think I was always meant to in some ways. It has zero to do with fertility at this point. ; ) : :
Last update on September 25, 11:21 am by Bethany Reed.
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I am currently conducting some research for the University of York, UK into biological and adoptive parenting. The research will hopefully help both biological and adoptive parents improve their parent-child relationship.
The study is aimed at parents of adopted AND biological children.
If you fit into the category please consider filling in our short anonymous survey!