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I think it takes time to develop the relationship. As always, I can only speak from my own experience. My bson and I began our relationship when he was 32 (obviously, it was a closed relationship). He included us in all family gatherings so we got to know him and his wife and their children as they were born. It became easier with practice; we describe our relationship as "comfortable" and "healthy". I am not the mother who raised him, but I have my own place in his life. I must admit that while he says I can call him anytime I hesitate to do so very often because I know he is busy with his family. He knows I love him and that he is welcome in my home anytime. Unfortunately, he now lives in CO and I live in PA so I don't see him often (except on FB). My husband and I did get to spend several days with them at the end of January this year which was great. As always it's one day at a time!
Blessings, KAthy
Long time, no see Kathy! Glad you found your way back to us! How have you been? (It's me, BrandyHagz)