Hi there! I'm a foster mom in Riverside County, but our placements are from OC.
We have 8 hours of visitation a week. Apparently these sorts of hours are not unheard of for Orange County. No one out this way has ever heard of so many hours given (especially since our plan is moving towards adoption).
I would love to hear from other foster parents in OC and what their hours were/are. I would also like to know if anyone can clarify why judges assign such big numbers to these kids (I've searched google with no results). I know that it impeded placement for our kiddos and for at least one other sibling set (the judge had assigned 20 hours!). These are our first placements and whenever we mention to other FP's how many hours we have, people gasp! Thankfully we don't have to monitor all the hours anymore, but it's still quite the ordeal for the foster kids and our bio kids.
Thanks for any help in advance.
I'm not in California but have the rights of the birth parents been terminate? If not, is RU still a possibility? This could be why. I had a fs years ago and the visitation was 12 hours a week. BM did it all on Sunday; didn't always work out good but there was nothing that could be done.
The goal of foster care is reunification whenever possible. Judges who keep that in mind will allow the visitation they feel is most beneficial for the children. If there is any chance that the children could do well with their biological parents, and the parents are following through on their program for reunification, there will likely be a good amount of visitation and potentially reunification. The foster care system isn't perfect, but I think if there have been 8 hours assigned per week, the judge thinks it's in the best interest of the kids.
Not sure if you're still monitoring this. All in all with all the relatives we got like 10. Be careful, as TPR neared, they increased and now we're faced with pressure to keep this up post adoption.
Hi there! I'm a foster mom in Riverside County, but our placements are from OC.
We have 8 hours of visitation a week. Apparently these sorts of hours are not unheard of for Orange County. No one out this way has ever heard of so many hours given (especially since our plan is moving towards adoption).
I would love to hear from other foster parents in OC and what their hours were/are. I would also like to know if anyone can clarify why judges assign such big numbers to these kids (I've searched google with no results). I know that it impeded placement for our kiddos and for at least one other sibling set (the judge had assigned 20 hours!). These are our first placements and whenever we mention to other FP's how many hours we have, people gasp! Thankfully we don't have to monitor all the hours anymore, but it's still quite the ordeal for the foster kids and our bio kids.
Thanks for any help in advance.