My partner and I have been planning to become foster parents and hopefully eventually adopt a child or sib set for awhile now. A year ago he spent three days in a psychiatric hospital when his depression was very bad. His doctor refused to prescribe antidepressants and the soonest we could get him into a community psychiatrist was a month out. The therapist he had been seeing didn't think he was that bad and didn't feel she needed to see him anymore. It was a huge mess that came after a stressful year where his previous boss had told other employees about his mental health diagnosis and his verbally and physically abusive sister had been attacking him with the full support of his mom. He was exhausted and having suicidal thoughts which were scaring him very badly. We went to the ER twice and he wanted to go to the psychiatric hospital so he could get some medication. They finally did send him on the 2nd visit but we were told the only way for him to get a bed was to be on an involuntary hold which is for 72 hours in our state. He is doing well now on a low dose of an antidepressant and has a competent therapist and a great psychiatrist. He no longer speaks to his sister and has greatly limited contact with his mom and focused his efforts on healthier family members. We feel like we are in a much better place now and would like to move forward with becoming foster parents. Will the involuntary hold prevent us from doing this? He was actively seeking help and things only got as bad as they did because no help was given although we had been asking for months. If it matters we plan on going directly with the county not a private agency.
I hope you went through with fostering, let us know if you did! While I haven't been hospitalized I have Bi-Polar Disorder. My Regular doctor prescribes anti-depressants to me & she had to sign off that my mental health will not cause me to be incapable of being a good parent. If he is seeing a psychologist currently they would have to sign off on that paper . They didn't ask me any questions about past mental health issues just about my current health (which is great).