My son was born in August and he has been with us since day 1. While we are his legal guardians, the adoption will not be finalized until a year from birth. I know that I cannot claim the adoption credit until the adoption is finalized, but can I claim him as a dependent on my tax return? Ive read comments on other forums stating that the dependent must live with you for at least 6 months for that tax year but others say the opposite.
I know my best bet would be to hire a tax professional but I am curious what the consensus is on this forum.
Thank you.
Last update on December 28, 9:55 pm by Zak Mc.
My husband is an accountant...and we are foster parents, so I have a little experience with this.
While it is true, in order to claim a dependent that child has to have lived with you for at least 6 months of the year you are claiming. The only exception to that rule is the year the child is born. If you've had him since he was born, and the year you are claiming is the year he is can claim him on your taxes. Even if he was born December 31st.