In New York State, I sent bio father the consent forms to release himself as the legal father. My husband and I have been together almost 6 years and marries 1. He has taken care of my children the entire time in every aspect. The bio father has choose not to see, talk or support the children in 5 years and 3 months. I submitted the adoption paperwork to start the process. They gave me the forms to have bio father sign over rights. But he texted me saying that he us willing but with STIPULATIONS. One of them being that I had to respond within they day(yesterday) but I didn't feel comfortable doing so without know if what he is doing is ok or not. The courts obviously can't give legal advise and I'd prefer to do this on my own. I'm just feeling frustrated that he is trying to make me communicate with him through the entirety of court as one stipulation. I'm literally in tears, he has always been controlling and he proved he hasn't changed at all.