i lived with a family in middle east, i'm 29 years old, they good to me but i always feel different because they have a kid after bring me home after 1 year i was 2 years when i adopted; they sure love his son much more than me always i feel i'm not belong to this family and always i feel lost where can i go ? they kind but i never felt in whole family that im their daughter i never feel that one day, family members like uncle & aunty and others when i was 7 years i always listen them saying to other people " She's not our daughter " i was terribly hurt ! i know its the truth ! but in this time i wasn't know that i'm not their daughter mom never told me before ! so i known when i listen it many times . and when i fallen in love with someone his family refused me because i'm adopted !
and when i be 29 years old my sporting club in my country (famous and big one ) refused to renew my membership because i'm not their daughter and I am Adopted !
how can i deal with that feeling '' hurt, belong to nothing , rejected , different ,refused me; its not my fault !
what's really the problem if my parents died and other family adopted me !?
why all people always look at me that i different and you never belong to us !
really i don't understand !
the sporting club kicked me out because i'm adopted !! i was amember more than 20 years ! i don't care about membership ! but the rejection really hurt ! whats wrong with me! any one tell me !
it's really hard to be adopted in middle east the whole society never accept you! they just trying to be nice with adopted person !
Last update on April 2, 7:16 am by Soufy Farid.
This is awful- I’m so so sorry this has happened to you. How do you cope with it on a daily basis? What helps you?
i lived with a family in middle east, i'm 29 years old, they good to me but i always feel different because they have a kid after bring me home after 1 year i was 2 years when i adopted; they sure love his son much more than me always i feel i'm not belong to this family and always i feel lost where can i go ? they kind but i never felt in whole family that im their daughter i never feel that one day, family members like uncle & aunty and others when i was 7 years i always listen them saying to other people " She's not our daughter " i was terribly hurt ! i know its the truth ! but in this time i wasn't know that i'm not their daughter mom never told me before ! so i known when i listen it many times . and when i fallen in love with someone his family refused me because i'm adopted !
and when i be 29 years old my sporting club in my country (famous and big one ) refused to renew my membership because i'm not their daughter and I am Adopted !
how can i deal with that feeling '' hurt, belong to nothing , rejected , different ,refused me; its not my fault !
what's really the problem if my parents died and other family adopted me !?
why all people always look at me that i different and you never belong to us !
really i don't understand !
the sporting club kicked me out because i'm adopted !! i was amember more than 20 years ! i don't care about membership ! but the rejection really hurt ! whats wrong with me! any one tell me !
it's really hard to be adopted in middle east the whole society never accept you! they just trying to be nice with adopted person !
that's very sad... I can relate to you since I was adopted myself (tho not legally)... but the feeling of not belonging is the same... when I reached 18 yrs old, I decided to live on my own and have my own family, and that's what gives me a sense of belonging. Maybe since you're 29, it's about time to start living on your own (that is if it's allowed there, I'm not sure). But I wish you'll find a way soon.