Hi Timmy timmy,
It's been a few months since you first posted. Have you made a decision?
I am a birth mother who placed my son for adoption when I was in college. I met him and have been in reunion with him since he was 33. In the early years (of reunion) I was also a moderator on What I learned from talking (and listening) to many adoptees was that they preferred the parents to contact them rather than their adoptive parents. That said, I couldn't find current location or phone for my son because he had just moved. I did contact his adad. In my case it worked well. They told him, gave him my information and he contacted me when he was ready.
I hope you do contact you. We can't change the past, but we have today. The fact that she said she was open to contact sounds like an invitation to me. Just remember to take it slow. It's a bit like a roller coaster especially at first.
Blessings, Kathy