My s/o was adopted at birth in 1981. The adoption agency he came from closed when he was a child, and threw out all of their records. He's extremely happy with his adoptive family, but it's only his 75 year old parents and an aunt and uncle who are the same age; in about a decade, he won't have any family left.
After having kids, we figured we should find more family and genetic information for our children. He's taken AncestryDNA and 23andMe, and we've uploaded his raw data on every website that allows it. He's assigned me as the researcher. I've spent ~35 hours a week for the past 3 months piecing together his family tree and reaching out to genetic relatives.
In his family, we've come across a few other adoptees, a number of people who don't know their biological fathers, few extramarital children that were swept under the rug by his grandparents, and pedigree collapse, which make reading the DNA more difficult.
We've been met with hostility and skepticism from distant cousins, and downright lack of understanding from closer family. Out of all this research, we can't even narrow down who his grandparents are, let alone his parents. We found two very sweet 2nd cousins on both sides, and a wonderful (presumed) great-aunt, and we're both thinking that we can live with what we know, and call it a day.
I'm just so close to giving up on finding anyone closer. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? At what point did you say enough is enough?
Last update on April 30, 1:09 pm by George Mendes.