I have been looking around the internet but there is so little on the topic of spouses of an adoptee post finding birth family.
I found my husbands bio mother after 41 years which led to a half sister as well.
Since finding her I feel like there is an obsession over her and the sister. Where I used to be number 1 I feel as though I am being shut out. I feel as though he a good portion of the time is so disconnected at home unless he is on the phone with the Mother. I find he will text her things that to me are more spousal relationship appropriate (things to which were texted to me before) He talks about thinking about her all day, not being able to focus and always her being on his mind. These seems to be getting more and more often and he pulls away from me. I find him to be increasingly more irritated at home.
Although I understand that this is a honeymoon stage, I feel as though it is a little over the top.
I try to support him by telling to go text, go call, covering more chores to give him more time but I still feel that I am not able to convey to him in words he understands. I feel the more I try and talk about it the more I get pushed away and he gets angry. However when I don't talk about it I get angry and frusterated, I feel like telling him to go and sort it out and come back when he can actually be what I feel is apart of "us" again.
I am sure that a large portion of this is disclusion as he never shares anything with me and over course jealousy as I have always been #1.
I am looking for any thoughts or suggestions to keep me from losing my mind or leaving my husband.