I have been on the search for the last year for my dad’s lost biological family. Some think I’m too late, but I’m not giving up hope. I’m searching for my dad’s biological mother which would be my grandmother. The original birth certificate had her name as Eleanor Gordon and my dad’s as Baby Boy Gordon. He was born with red hair, green eyes, and fair skin. I’m coming with the conclusion that her name was a fake, or her first name was fake. She was from Decatur, IL and went to Springfield, IL at around 4 months along to stay at St. Monica’s for unwed mothers to finish out her pregnancy. At the time, it was 1958 and she was 18 years of age just finished high school. We don’t have her birthday, but I’m guessing that she turned 18 years old prior to having my dad. She birthed him on September 23rd at St. John’s hospital and went straight to the Catholic Charities orphanage after birth. He stayed in the orphanage until he was around 3 months of age. We know very little about her features and health background that we got from the “non-identifying information.” We did get that she was around 5’7ft tall, dirty blonde hair and green eyes. She finished all 4 years of high school and some other little stuff. My dad’s biological dad I found with ancestry very easily, but sadly he passed around 5 years prior so I can’t reach out and ask him. It would’ve been interesting if I could’ve reached out to him since he had no idea about my dad and sadly never will. After a year of looking and searching, I’m coming to terms that someone put an alias name on the original birth certificate or altered something. Could someone help me out? If you were at St. Monica’s in 1958 or are from Decatur, IL and have some leads for me, I’d really appreciate it. I’m looking for her because I need more family medical history information and to know what I come from. History interest me, as well as knowing what I have coming to me as I get older. You can email me at .