Originally Posted By KariMy name is Kari and I am the adoptive mommy to a precious baby girl with Down syndrome. I was blessed to have this little angel practically fall from Heaven and right into my arms, so I never had to go looking. I am a member of an organization that is trying to put together a support site for women who have been given "poor" prenatal diagnoses who DO NOT want to terminate. Our goal is to help these women understand WHAT each of the diagnoses mean and to give them information, should they decide that they are not prepared to care for a child with special needs (just like our daughter's birthmom--God Bless Her!). I was wondering if you have any information on organizations or agencies that place such children. We really would like to have a place for these women to turn to see that there ARE other families like our who desire to adopt children with special needs. We do NOT want to become a placement network, but desire to have information to offer to women/familis who who need/want it. If you know of any such organization or agency, any and all information would be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you in advance,Kari JonesWichita, Kansasemail: