ISO Birthmother/ Family
Baby boy born March 9, 1967
Anchorage, Alaska
Providence Hospital
Atty Helen Simpson arranged final adoption in 1968.
Birth Certificate lists Fay Clara Manthey as Birthmother with no Birthfather listed. Birthmother born in Washington state. Age was 21 at my birth.
I've been looking for 4 years now. Please find me!
ISO Birthmother/ Family
Baby boy born March 9, 1967
Anchorage, Alaska
Providence Hospital
Atty Helen Simpson arranged final adoption in 1968.
Birth Certificate lists Fay Clara Manthey as Birthmother with no Birthfather listed. Birthmother born in Washington state. Age was 21 at my birth.
I've been looking for 4 years now. Please find me!
I AM YOUR BIRTH MOTHER. THE NAME YOU WERE GIVEN FOR YOUR BIRTH MOTHER WAS DONE BY HELEN SIMPSON, THE ATTORNEY, to hide all traces of you. I am Molly (Florence) Hastin (Garn). Your birth father is Ronald K. Garn, who left Anchorage before you were born. Your name on the birth Certificate was Gregory Lee Garn.....Dear God, I have been serching for you for so long....many years. I love you so much. My email is and my phone is 801-253-9662. My cell is 801-703-3150. Please call. You have siblings....James R. Johnson is your full brother. Please contact me.....I love you
ISO Birthmother/ Family
Baby boy born March 9, 1967
Anchorage, Alaska
Providence Hospital
Atty Helen Simpson arranged final adoption in 1968.
Birth Certificate lists Fay Clara Manthey as Birthmother with no Birthfather listed. Birthmother born in Washington state. Age was 21 at my birth.
I've been looking for 4 years now. Please find me!
I AM YOUR BIRTH MOTHER. THE NAME YOU WERE GIVEN FOR YOUR BIRTH MOTHER WAS DONE BY HELEN SIMPSON, THE ATTORNEY, to hide all traces of you. I am Molly (Florence) Hastin (Garn). Your birth father is Ronald K. Garn, who left Anchorage before you were born. Your name on the birth Certificate was Gregory Lee Garn.....Dear God, I have been serching for you for so long....many years. I love you so much. My email is and my phone is 801-253-9662. My cell is 801-703-3150. Please call. You have siblings....James R. Johnson is your full brother. Please contact me.....I love you
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 likes this.
Hi , Did you sign up on database? Also put a notarized signature consent form into your file with alaska saying you want to share contact information. For searching anyone there are search groups. Did you do DNA? email me at
Sincerely, Joan
Try doing AncestryDNA. Did you put a consent form in the file with the state? In case a family member comes looking for you.
Did you do AncestryDNA ?
ISO Birthmother/ Family
Baby boy born March 9, 1967
Anchorage, Alaska
Providence Hospital
Atty Helen Simpson arranged final adoption in 1968.
Birth Certificate lists Fay Clara Manthey as Birthmother with no Birthfather listed. Birthmother born in Washington state. Age was 21 at my birth.
I've been looking for 4 years now. Please find me!
Hi, did you find yet?
I AM YOUR BIRTH MOTHER. THE NAME YOU WERE GIVEN FOR YOUR BIRTH MOTHER WAS DONE BY HELEN SIMPSON, THE ATTORNEY, to hide all traces of you. I am Molly (Florence) Hastin (Garn). Your birth father is Ronald K. Garn, who left Anchorage before you were born. Your name on the birth Certificate was Gregory Lee Garn.....Dear God, I have been serching for you for so long....many years. I love you so much. My email is and my phone is 801-253-9662. My cell is 801-703-3150. Please call. You have siblings....James R. Johnson is your full brother. Please contact me.....I love you