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Thread: PA
I had a set of twins, now named Beth and Brian Wilkinson born on 6/30/73 In Williamsport, Pa. They were adopted to a family In Sheshequin, Pa which Is In Bradford county.
The last I knew, Brian was back living at home with his adoptive parents; Beth got married, and now lives In one of the Carolinas (not sure which one). I have had no real contact with them, but have seen them over the years because they grew up just accross the river from where my family lives. I made It a point to take many rides by their house In hopes of seeing them.
I would very much like to have contact with them, but am not sure how to go about this. I was told that they know who I am, but niether of them have tried to find me - I am not sure what to do....... maybe someone out there can help? I guess I am not sure If I should write a letter, call, or continue to wait. I have searched to no avail for a phone number that supposivly exists where BM's can leave word that they are Interested In having contact. Has any one any Insight on such a phone number???