I was adopted in 1961 from a Catholic Orphanage in Milan Italy. Does anyone know the names (and hopefully address) of any such orphanages ?
Thank you
Ciao Juan:
The orphanage in Milan, Italy, is called Istituto Provinciale Protezione Assistenza Infanzia (IPPAI) and is on Viale Piceno, 60.
For more details see: [url][/url]
Best regards,
Are there any other orphanages in Milan besides IPPAI? I also spent time in an orphanage in Milan between 1968-1969 until I was brought to NY and adopted through the Angel Guardian home.
I was adopted in 1961 from a Catholic Orphanage in Milan Italy. Does anyone know the names (and hopefully address) of any such orphanages ?
Thank you
I was also adopted from an orphanage in Milan in 1961. Do u have any more information as to search info.