Hi All: I wanted to introduce myself. I am a web designer and a mother of a child who is healing from attachment disorder. I specialize in attachment and adoption related websites. My first site was the Attachment Disorder site at [url][/url] and since then, I have worked on many sites related to attachment disorder.
I have contracted with to build their attachment section. The site should be up and running in the next few weeks. Articles and information by experts like Dr. Art and others will be available. I hope to build one of the best resources on the web regarding attachment. I will be looking forward to your feedback and ideas.
I will be co-moderating this forum with Dr. Art. We are also working on having several forums under the attachment heading and we will set up an email list.
We will keep you informed regarding the new site!
Nancy G.
Thanks Nancy!!! I have been the parent of a child with attachment disorder now for a year. With the help of a therapist who too suscribes to Daniel Hughes in Facilitating Behavioral Attachment in Adopted and Foster Children, and When Love is not Enough.... I have become sane again. Although there are days......... Anyway, I lookforward to joining your group and gaining from your experience.