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Home > By Foster CHildren > I Am The Child Left Behind Adoption

I Am The Child Left Behind

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I have watched others be chosen. I have been ignored.
I have hoped. I have waited.
Sometimes they want girls, sometimes boys.
Sometimes they want a brother & a sister under five.
I am to0 old.
I am too young.
Sometimes they look for a child who has round eyes.
Sometimes they look for a child who has curly hair.
They look & whisper that I am to short.
They say I am to fat.
Sometimes I am to tall & “Not quite right”
I wish that someone would come see me & choose me.
I don’t have much hope anymore.

They take some away.
They take little babies.They take pretty girls.
They take young boys.
I am not sure where they take them.
They say some go to America.
They say some go to other countries.
When I had hope, I hoped to go to America.
That was before I knew that I was to old & to young &
to tall & to short & to fat or ” Not quite right.”

My hope has gone.

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