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Home > Of a Placed Child > I Reflect as I Wait Adoption

I Reflect as I Wait

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When I first learned of your existence, I was so many miles away
An unfamiliar ocean held and captured my tears
The light that is your spirit held and captured my own and over my heart
it held sway The tears were of confusion, joy and fears
Yet destiny’s course had been plotted and my only thoughts were of you
Your mother and I conferred and we easily concluded
That you were our life now, and it was your life we entered into
We were so young, forgive us for being deluded
We were so very, very young and the web of innocence still cocooned us
The realities of this world can be harsh, the choices we make sometimes
are not our own We learned that the world turns a blind eye to injustice
and, yes, it soon does I had made a commitment and I felt it my charge to
protect you, you who were the seed that we had sown We were beguiled by
the coercion of man’s indifference
We were so wholly unprepared
To wrap you in a worthy existence
We need you to know that we were so very scared
You are in our hearts and thoughts daily, and this love is very real We
need you to know that our hearts are with you and that we wanted you for
our own Yet circumstances and our youthful naivete’ stamped this seal
On our hearts, this loss we share from not shaping our own world for this
seed that we had sown We need you to believe that this travesty is not
your fault
We hold and cherish each and every moment that you were in our embrace In
the most beautiful and sacred vault
It is all held for you, waiting, the love that we hold for you in this
inviolable place We wait so longingly for the day that we can be
reunited, to be as one We remember and we love and we wait
For three to accept and enfold under God’s purest day in the sun

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