It may have taken a lifetime, but one UK man’s search for his long lost family has finally come to a head. As reported by The Newark Advertiser, Michael Marvin was able to connect with his uncle, four cousins, and even his brother after being placed for adoption as an infant 67 years prior.
Marvin notes that his adoptive mother did not share much about his adoption, and like many adoptees, he was too scared to ask for more information. He was not told he was adopted until age 11. He states that he felt a little taken back at the news but was able to move forward and still feel deeply connected to his adoptive family.
Marvin spoke about his adoptive family, stating, “Even when I got married I didn’t think to myself I wish my blood relatives were here because my adoptive parents were my family.”
It was not until his adoptive mother died that Marvin began to search for his biological family. He first reached out the hospital where he was born, Leicester Royal Infirmary, and found answers at their records office.
From the records, Marvin was able to gather that his birth mother had sadly passed away due to a bus accident seven years after his birth. However, he also discovered that he had one older and one younger brother.
Though Marvin was also sad to discover that one of his brother’s had passed a year before his search, he pressed on and began to contacting his biological family. Through further searching, he was able to find an uncle and multiple cousins.
Marvin has been able to meet each family member he has contacted, all located in Leicester in the UK. Michael summarizes his journey and explains that “If people are really interested in looking for their birth families, it is definitely well worth doing.”
If you are looking for a loved one, there are currently 427,732 adoption reunion profiles on the Reunion Registry at Take some time to search through and also add your information. You may never know if someone is already searching for you!