Thomas and Christa Phillips have been charged with abusing their adopted children. After leaving their home state, they made the decision to return the two children to their biological mother in Idaho. While the 11-year-old boy and 9-year-old girl were reuniting with their birth mother, they shared what life was like in the Phillips home in Oregon. Regular abuse, including being made to sleep on a garage shelf for the entire three years, being tied into sleeping bags with belts, being allowed only to use the port-a-potty in the garage, being denied regular bathing privileges, and being force-fed old food. Moving the abuse beyond the physical, Christa Phillips dubbed the bowl of old food the “bowl of choices.”
The daughter shared how Thomas Phillips molested her during her once-a-week bathing, which has led to the charges of sexual abuse against Phillips. Christa Phillips is charged with first-degree criminal mistreatment, according to Mail Tribune.
Trial date has yet to be set.