Neil & Kristy

Hoping to Adopt (Kentucky)


Where we were married
Where we were married
Couples tennis
Couples tennis
  Neil loves playing basketball as often as he can
Neil loves playing basketball as often as he can
We love the mountains. Being next to them, hiking them, frequent walks at the bottom of them.
We love the mountains. Being next to them, hiking them, frequent walks at the bottom of them.
We love hiking, and this is one of our favorites, Kanarra Creek Falls.
We love hiking, and this is one of our favorites, Kanarra Creek Falls.
Our dog Lily. But we love most every dog.
Our dog Lily. But we love most every dog.
We fell in love with Kayaking several years ago, and just bought our own this past summer. Mornings on the lake are INCREDIBLE.
We fell in love with Kayaking several years ago, and just bought our own this past summer. Mornings on the lake are INCREDIBLE.
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