December 26, 2016 · by
So you're familiar with adoption ... great! Test your knowledge about some interesting facts here.
1. Where did the now archaic phrase, "put up for adoption" come from?
2. Of children who get adopted from foster care, what percentage spend more than 5 years in foster care before adoption?
3. True or False: There are more females in foster care who cannot be returned to their families and are adoptable, than there are males
4. What percentage of children in foster care are age 3 or younger?
5. True or False: There are more orphans in Sub-Sahara Africa than children in Denmark, Norway, Canada, and Sweden combined.
6. True or False: For those adopting domestically today, most will receive a detailed medical and social history of the birth parents
7. True or False: The waiting time to adopt infants in America, regardless of race, is over 2 years
8. In which state are open adoptions not legally enforceable?