Does the closed adoption make the child feel rejected by their bio family? Would they hate me if I am the one keeping her from them? The kids are very bonded to ...
Wouldn't an agency that closed have to have stored their files somewhere accessible to all the adoptive parents and kids? But how can I find out where that is?
Closed contested adoption and bmom keeps contacting ... Our Adoption has been a VERY emotional, VERY financially draining journey. What started out as a consented ...
Mar 26, 2023 ... I am an adoptee. I was born on January 12 in New Jersey. New Jersey was a closed adoption state until 2014 when Governor Chris Christy ...
Feb 6, 2015 ... They are allowing God to grow their family as He sees fit through birth, international adoption, foster care adoption, and private domestic ...
Did you adopt from foster care only one child then close your home? How was your agency when you told them this? Our first foster went to adoption. I know we ...