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I am great, for there is no one like me. I am grand, fore no one can love another like I can. I am beautiful am I not. Tell then where might you find someone That looks as I do?

I am singular and therfore I am amazing. Can I or you image that there is another like me. In that, I am quality, I am a miracle.

As you note my facial features, my hair color or even my name, am I not the greatest? I am the main event.

Possibly you say no, Tell me, how are your tears different from mine. As I cut my self, is my blood not red. Ahhh but so is yours.

Is pain for me different from you. Are we not lonley sometimes. Do we not wish for someone to hold us.

As we are together, we uphold each other, stand together as one. Bonded by our tears and clasped together by out hearts. Tell me now, Are we not the greatest. Am i not you, are you not me. We are the same, and together we are one.

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