Utah’s Mom Of The Year Calls For Parents To Open Hearts And Homes To Foster Children

Utah is in need of more foster parents.

Meghan Rivard June 03, 2017
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This woman is my hero and a hero to many in her town and state of Riverton, Utah. Stephanie Olsen was recently recognized as Utah’s Foster Mom of the year. Stephanie and her husband, Dan, have three biological children, seven adopted children, currently adopting an eighth children, as well as presently caring for three young foster children.

Utah’s foster care system, as well as many other states, is in need of foster parents. Stephanie and her family saw the dire need and decided to take action.

The majority of children in foster care can return to live with a biological family member. But over 600 children were adopted through foster care just last year.

The Olsen family stepped up to help with the current foster care epidemic. They have fostered many children, including teenagers and sibling groups, which are the hardest to place.

Stephanie and Dan’s selfless attitude and motivation have impacted many children and their community. Stephanie does not pretend to be a perfect parent, but she tries her best to give children a loving home.

“Our goal has always been if just one of these kids can have a second chance and take advantage of that, it’s all worth it,” said Stephanie

Stephanie and her family are an inspiration and I hope her work and advocacy will lead other families to step up and open their homes and hearts to children in foster care.

To read more about Utah’s mom of the year, click here.

Meghan Rivard

Meghan is an adoptive mother and a big advocate of adoption and foster care. She resides in Indiana with her husband, their one-year-old daughter who is the center of their lives, and their dog Max. She has a Bachelor's and Master’s Degree in Social Work. Meghan stays at home with her daughter but is so happy she found this outlet to share her personal adoption story and educate about adoption!

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Meghan Rivard

Meghan is an adoptive mother and a big advocate of adoption and foster care. She resides in Indiana with her husband, their one-year-old daughter who is the center of their lives, and their dog Max. She has a Bachelor's and Master’s Degree in Social Work. Meghan stays at home with her daughter but is so happy she found this outlet to share her personal adoption story and educate about adoption!

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