God is in the Details: We Were Selected to Adopt a Baby Due in 4 Weeks
Have you seen God's divine signature in your life?
Read the first part of this story here.
After our third failed IVF, we were selected to adopt a baby due in 4 weeks! We trusted God and immediately went to work. Although it felt like my head was spinning with my incomprehensible to-do list, we watched God work out every detail.
The first was getting us “paper” ready. We were planning a pregnancy, not an adoption. Typically becoming adoption ready can take three to six months. Within three weeks, we had home studies approved and criminal background checks completed. We hired a lawyer (with previous experience facilitating adoptions from American Samoa) ready to work with our short time frame, and learned what documents needed to be taken care of there and what we would need to travel with a new baby.
Then we needed to acquire proper identification to travel. It was common at this time for people to have to wait 2 months for a passport application to be completed and returned with a legal passport. Miraculously, my passport came back in 10 days. Meanwhile, Helen was working on identification for Anna. She had no birth certificate and they had to jump through multiple hoops to get her a passport, which she needed in order to sign multiple documents. Anna’s passport arrived 5 weeks later, another miraculous turnaround!
The clearest, most direct sign of God’s involvement in our preparation was in regards to our travel plans. Anna wanted us to be present for her child’s birth, if at all possible. I could not fathom how to plan the timing of our trip. How do you know when an expectant mother is going to deliver her baby? You don’t—but God does! We prayed and prayed for guidance. I was inspired to know when we should leave and return. Both dates were extremely significant to me and everyone involved.
With these dates in mind, we took the RISK of buying round trip tickets. The day I purchased our flights, which I didn’t know how we were going to pay for, my husband sold his car for the exact same amount I spent. His car had been listed on KSL for months without any inquiries or buyers. We re-posted the ad again. The day I bought our plane tickets, a guy showed up to look at the car. He then handed my husband cash without even test driving the car. You can call it coincidence, but I call it divine intervention!
Three weeks before Anna’s due date, she started bleeding and the doctors told her she could have the baby anytime. She was scared and asked us to come as soon as possible. I wanted to jump on the first plane (there are only 2 a week from Hawaii to American Samoa) so getting there right away would literally take multiple days! I worried Anna would feel unsupported and left alone. I worried about leaving my three kids at home for a longer period of time. I worried I wasn’t ready emotionally or physically to do any of this! Yet, I was reminded of the dates God impressed upon my mind and we decided to wait until our previously determined travel dates unless she actually went into labor.
Miraculously, Anna did not go into labor before our scheduled flights. We flew out on the date God had given me. As we packed up, kissed the kids good-bye, and got in the car to drive to the airport, I was overcome with emotion. I could not believe what I was doing. I felt guilty for asking my family and friends to take over my load of responsibilities here. I wondered who would tend to my overly emotional, anxious, oppositional and ADHD children’s needs. I worried they would feel unloved and forgotten as their whole world was changing overnight.
I was equally excited and eager to embark upon this new adventure. And because God knows I will take any chance I can to go to Hawaii, He gave us a small layover on Oahu. We stayed at my favorite hotel in Ko’Olina! Jason and I had breakfast on the beach and then spent the rest of the day driving up and around the North Shore. It was a perfect day in my playbook, and God knows it! He knew what peace and joy come to my soul in this magical place. Laie has had a special place in my heart ever since I attended BYU-Hawaii there. It was a gift from God, particularly after what we had just experienced and what was yet ahead of us.