Can anyone help me and tell me where I can find information on adopting in USA when a non US Citizen.
I am a british citizen with a green card and would like to find out if it is possible to adopt in USA without becoming a citizen.
Thank you.
Thank you for your info.
So you cant adopt internationally without being a citizen but what about in USA or do you have to be a citizen also ?
My husband and I are both British and now live in Colorado. We are in the process of getting our green card (should be sometime this year). So we have started the aoption process without even a green card. We are in that status with no visa yet no green card.
I called round to many agencies before decided on the one we are using and they said the same thing about not being able to adopt internationally.
However, one agency said that we couldn't adopt within the US. When I mentioned this to the agency we are with they couldn't believe it.
We were up front about our situation and it wasn't a problem for us to start the process and we can't hide the fact either with our accents! We have completed our homestudy and are now waiting.
My advice to you is to explain the situation the the agencies you speak with and let them tell you. Regardless of the fact that we are non US citizens these agencies differ on many different levels.
Good luck
Sarah - Citizenship of the adoptive parents is not something that, at least in Oregon, gets looked at. All we care is that you (or the birthmom of a newborn or the agency) are residents. Resident is totally different than Citizen.
Oregon State further doesnt care whether your adoption is domestic or international - the IRS and/or your agency might, but Oregon doesnt.
I can't speak for other states but I can tell you that you have a pretty good chance!
Good Luck.
The adoptive parents must be US citizens in order for the INS to give permission for them to adopt. Nor will they grant an adoption visa to a child being adopted by non-citizens. The INS permission and visa pre-approval are essential parts of the paperwork for an international adoption. So a non-citizen cannot adopt a child internationally and bring that child to the USA.
But it is legal for non-citizens to adopt a child who is already a US citizen and already living in the USA. Some agencies may not be willing to work with you, but you'll just have to shop until you find one.
Good luck!
Ok just so that I understand this correctly the following are true -
1) you can adopt a us citizen child if your a not a resident of US
2) you cannot adopt internationally unless you are a citizen of US
Thank you.
Hi Nicky,
My wife and I are French and looking for adoption while being in the US. Can you really go for the international adoption? DianeS says that only adoption of an american is possible for non US citizen. That is what also WACAP told us.
Please let me know if you have had supplemental information.
The US government states that one of you has to be a US citzen. I am a German Citizen and my husband is an american citizen. Even with one of us being a American Citizen getting foreing paperwork approved is quite a process.
My husband is American I am German also. We are adopting from Russia. There are no problems. Just remember to use the correct passport # and wherever it states, "issued" put Germany. Even if the consulate issued a new passport to you. Also when submitting paperwork for your visa ask your agency to give you the correct papers for Non-US-citizen. Your visa information is a page long, while your husbands is three pages! PM me if you need more info.
Did you have problems getting your German documents authenticated by the US Secretary of State in Washington DC and the Chines Embassy in Washington DC? I am wondering because I am getting mixed messages from different departments. Some of them tell me that I would have to get my German Birth Certificate authenticated in Germany.
Boy, I'm not sure. Are you a resident Alien? I used my birth certificate that is in my "Familie" paperwork. I got it notarized as a "true and exact" copy of it. I did all this paperwork here in L.A.
Here's something to think about.
The implied I-600 process is for Orphans being adopted by US Citizens. The I-600 addresses immigration to the US for an Orphan Child classified as an immediate relative by a US Citizen. Since you are not a US Citizen then why would a non-US Citizen look at this process? Intercountry adoption is between two countries a sending country and a receiving country. If I were a Citizen of Britain, I would check with the embassy of my home country to find out what restrictions there are for Intercountry adoptions while living abroad.
For Americans there are provisions to meeting the requirements so I would assume that there must also be provisions as a British Citizen especially since there are so many more Expatriates amongst The Brits than Americans.
My husband is a citizen of Mexico and a US green card holder, and I am a US citizen. We live in the US and are currently adopting internationally with no problems. We know others who have done so as well...