Happy Adoption Day!
A family celebrates National Adoption Day
On November 17, we celebrated National Adoption Day. In our home, it’s the day in which we celebrate the adoption of all 5 of our children. Some years it’s a big party, this year, it was a little toned down. It was a busy week in our household, and I was on my second week of being pretty darn sick. The kids did not care.
For us, Adoption Day is also about awareness. We celebrated through the week as I went to both The Captain’s and Tinker’s classes to share a book and a little chat about adoption. This year’s book was, I Wished for You. This is a heartwarming story about Barley Bear who looks a little different from his mama. He grew in her heart instead of her tummy. Mama emphasizes how every family is different. It is such a sweet story. Pre-K (Tink’s class) largely did not get it but the Kindergartners were really able to understand. They asked some fantastic questions.
For my children, we also bought another book, Red in the Flower Bed, subtitled A book about interracial adoption. It’s a loose connection and my little ones don’t get it yet, but it is quite a sweet story. There are a couple of books around about kids adopted from foster care, but I’ve yet to find one that is as much a story as I’d like. I’ll take recommendations happily!
This year we scaled down our celebration but Grandma, Mamaw, and Papa all got to be here, as did the kids Godmother and 3 of her kids, so it was a great day. Cake and Kool-aid were enjoyed by all, along with quite a bit of reminiscing about our first glimpse of each of them.
For me, the day was especially sweet. We’ve had 16 years with Pepper, 14 with Sunshine, and now 2 with the Littles. These are the golden days of my life; these 5 made all my dreams come true. Happy Adoption Day to me too!