10 Must-Own Diversity-in-Families Picture Books

These books make for fabulous conversation starters with your children.

Rachel Garlinghouse October 07, 2015
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I’m a former writing teacher and now a mom of three by adoption. As you can imagine, our home contains a lot of books. For several years now, I’ve been reviewing and recommending books to families like mine, families built by adoption.

Having books on hand for your child is crucial. For one, they can explore the books at their own pace and when the mood strikes.

Having books on hand for your child is crucial. For one, they can explore the books at their own pace and when the mood strikes. For another, books on the diversity found in families can be an valuable resource when your child has multiple questions about adoption and families. Finally, books make for fabulous conversation starters (or even continuers).

These ten must-own diversity-in-families picture books were selected (and kid-approved, by my own three) because of their vibrant, interesting, and engaging illustrations, which are crucial for keeping the attention of children, as well as for their resonating messages.

Now we all know that hardcover picture books can be very costly, so I highly recommend requesting these titles from your local library system first prior to buying one. If your children enjoy some or all of the books, add them to a birthday or Christmas wish-list, purchase used, or find a discount book store.

Happy reading!

1:  Families, Families, Families (Suzanne Lang)

2:  The Family Book (Todd Parr)

3: The Great Big Book of Families (Mary Hoffman)

4:  All Kinds of Families (Mary Ann Hoberman)

5: Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers: A Collection of Family Poems (Mary Ann Hoberman)

6: Who’s In My Family?: All About Our Families (Robie H. Harris)

7: Penguin and Pinecone (Salina Yoon)

8: I’m Your Peanut Butter Big Brother (Selina Alko)

9: One Special Day: A Story for Big Brothers and Sisters (Lola M. Schaefer)

10: You Were the First (Patricia MacLachlan)

Rachel Garlinghouse

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Rachel Garlinghouse

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