12 Tips for Creating an Incredible and Authentic Adoption Profile Video
Follow these simple tips and you're guaranteed to create a captivating film that effectively introduces you to prospective birth parents.
- Plan ahead. Your vision for the video should be one that presents you as friendly, warm, and approachable.
- Keep it simple. Make sure you have quality but simple visuals: You and your spouse/partner (or just you if you’re adopting as a single) should be the center of focus. The lighting needs to be good and your faces clear, with no background distractions (if doing a “live” style video as opposed to a PowerPoint style). Wear something that shows up well on camera but doesn’t detract from your main purpose: to highlight yourselves as potential adoptive parents. Be concise but informal—and stay on topic.
- Talk it out. Speak clearly and look directly into the camera while keeping your tone natural and conversational. Begin with self-introductions and give a short description of your personal history—where you live, where you grew up, your education, your career—but keep it brief.
- Talk about the people in your life. Highlight your personal relationships such as your family and support systems. Keep your descriptions relevant to what you feel will make you good adoptive parents.
- Talk about your why. Explain why you decided upon adoption and why now. Short anecdotes can be useful.
- Include references. It would be helpful to include a short clip (or clips) of a friend and/or a family member giving you an excellent reference. This would be the perfect opportunity to feature you smiling and interacting with children. Be sure to emphasize any experience you have with children, personal and/or professional.
- Talk about the future. Describe how you would love and support a child and the kind of environment you plan to provide to him/her.
- Consider making a slideshow. An alternative to presenting “live” clips would be to incorporate all of the above tips into a PowerPoint presentation.
- Remember to include captions. Whichever option you choose, include captions in clear, easy-to-read font where needed (for example, your name and city/state).
- Make it easy to find you. At the end of the clip, show your website (if applicable) and basic contact information.
- Be concise. Keep the whole video between roughly three and six minutes.
- Have fun. Remember to enjoy the process!
Ready to begin the adoption process? If you want to pursue a domestic infant adoption, click here to connect with an experienced, compassionate adoption professional who can help you get started on your adoption journey.