3 Things Everyone Loves About America’s Favorite Adoptee . . . Simone Biles
Simone Biles is a master athlete . . . and we in the adoption community love to claim her.
Most adoptees, while acknowledging that their beginnings are different than many, don’t get too hung up on those differences. They still move forward with life, choosing friends, going to school, pursuing dreams and progressing—just like the rest of the inhabitants of the world do.
But when one of our own (a member of the adoption triad, that is) achieves to the extreme, we want to shout: She’s ADOPTED! I almost know her! Such is the case with America’s current favorite Adoptee, Simone Biles. As an adoptive mother, I almost want to take ownership in Simone’s incredible accomplishments. Ridiculous, I know. But true, nonetheless. So indulge me for a few minutes as I brag on Nellie Biles’ daughter.
GOLD! That’s the color of Simone Biles after her incredible performances in Rio. 4 Gold Medals and 1 Bronze. How one person can shine in so many ways is beyond me! Simone took first place in the Women’s Vault, Women’s Team All-Around, Women’s Floor Exercise, and Women’s Individual All-Around. Phew! And guess what? She was the first American woman to win Olympic gold on the vault.
FEARLESS! That’s the way Simone Biles lives. Did you know that this is her first ever Olympics? Crazy . . . a brand new experience for Simone, yet she performed like a veteran. Makes me think she could do pretty much anything she set her mind to. She’s now being called “the greatest gymnast of all time.” Proud? Oh yes we are!
REAL! Just watch an interview or two with Simone and you’ll see how very down to Earth and real she is. Oh—and lest you think fame has tweaked her personality, take a look at her giggly-girlhood when she meets her celebrity crush, Zac Ephron.
Yep! Simone Biles is a master athlete. And she’s an ADOPTEE.