4 Thoughtful Themes for Adoptive Mom Baby Showers
Don't forget to throw the adoptive mom in your life a baby shower!
Adoptive mothers sometimes get the short end of the stick when it comes to baby celebrations. Other things, too. Some forget to offer assistance to a new mother whose baby came to her through adoption rather than her own womb. But although there’s generally not any physical healing that needs to take place in a newly adoptive mother, there are a lot of things that are often neglected. An adoptive mother will be just as sleep-deprived as a mother who births her child. An adoptive mother needs assistance just as a mother who births her child. And an adoptive mother could use a baby shower. Consider the following baby shower ideas for an adoptive mom baby shower:
Service Shower:
Whether its a first-time mom or a seasoned mom, adopting a baby might be glorious, but it can also be exhausting. Besides all the emotional ups and downs that come with adoption, all of a sudden becoming an adoptive mom can mean sleepless nights, a colicky baby, crazy amounts of laundry, and more. So a Service Shower for the new adoptive mom can be welcomed, indeed! Consider such service gifts as:
Delivered dinner for a week.
Pre-made frozen dinners for the family to cook any time.Â
Laundry done twice a week for a month.
Baby holding for two hours twice a week so momma can rest.
Sibling play dates once a week (with a promise to have the play date at YOUR house, not hers.)
Friendly maid service for the first two weeks.
Homemade bread for a month.
Fresh flowers each week for a month.
Seasonal Shower:
Invite the guests to bring gifts relative to the season. Following are some examples:
- Cozy Blankets
- Hats
- Baby Boots
- Sleep Sacks
- Flowered Head Bands/Bows
- Bow Tie Onesies
- Easter Basket filled with Baby Essentials (lotion, shampoo, etc)
- Stroller
Decorate The Nursery Shower:
- Crib Essentials
- Baby Board Books to Read To Baby
- Baby Monitor
- Wall Art
- Cushy Rocking Chair
Pamper-the-Mom Shower:
Spa Day Gift Card
Essential Oils & Diffuser
Foot Scrub & Lotion
A Stack of Great Books to Read While Feeding Baby
The ideas are endless. A good thing to remember is that an adoptive mom needs all the love and attention and help that a mother giving birth needs. Friends supporting and celebrating will help add to the joy of adding an adorable baby to the family.