5 Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Child’s Birth Mom
Get your Santa on like an expert this year!
Christmas is the best. It is a beautiful time to reach out to the dear ones in your life and spoil them rotten! Here are our favorite suggestions for presents for child’s birth mom. Get your Santa on like an expert this year!
Adoptiongifts.com has a really fun selection of t-shirts, onesies, jewelry, and books! As a Christmas gift, I really love this adorable adoption necklace. It is a beautiful piece that is understated and elegant. I love the versatility of it and how it could be worn daily.
Another fun option from adoptiongifts.com is a cute sweatshirt that has the adoption triad symbol intertwined with the word love. I love the reminder that every choice made in adoption originates from the love everyone feels for the child, a love that overcomes all the trials and hard choices involved. What a great way to honor your child’s birth mom.
Another really beautiful piece of jewelry is this floating charm locket. I love that the charm has options to make it a necklace, a cellphone charm, or a keychain. Featuring the adoption triad symbol, it also has a red heart and a “Forever Family” charm. Our child’s birth family will forever be our family and I adore that this phrase is included.
I also love the idea of gifting the cost of a birth mother retreat. Retreats are offered by several different organizations and give birth mothers a chance to get together with other birth moms who share similar experiences. They typically feature fun events, group therapy, and lots of love and acceptance. Birth Mom retreats are offered all over the United States and would make a great gift.
This year I am hoping create a photo book for our son’s birth parents. I am asking family members who have been blessed by our adoption to write a brief thank you note to them. I plan to compile all the notes with some pictures of our boy with the extended family. I hope it will become a treasure for them both as they realize how many people have been affected and blessed by their choice to place him with our family.
Whether you decide on a sweatshirt, jewelry, or a gift card to her favorite restaurant, use Christmas as an opportunity to bless and celebrate your child’s birth mom.