An Open Letter to Moms in Waiting This Mother’s Day

I want you to know I understand.

Shelley Skuster May 07, 2016
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Dear Mom-in-Waiting…

I see you.

I know you.

And this Mother’s Day—in a season of yearning and waiting for someone to call you Mom—my heart hurts for you.

Maybe it’s been a few weeks, or maybe you’ve been praying for a child of your own for years.

I’m not sure where you’re at in your journey to motherhood, but I want you to know you’re on my mind.

Perhaps you’re feeling a bit discouraged. Maybe you’re a little unsure about whether you’ve made the right decisions. Or perhaps you’re a little bitter at the unfair deck of cards thrown your way.

I want you to know I understand.

I’ve walked a similar road, one plagued with painful years of infertility followed by the uncertainty of waiting. I know firsthand that Mother’s Day can be hard. It can be painful because it’s a fresh reminder of what has broken your heart—what’s been missing in your life—for so long.

I want you to know it’s okay to be angry. It’s okay to be sad. And it’s okay to wonder when it’ll be your turn for the handmade macaroni necklaces and breakfasts in bed and bouquets of pretty flowers from a precious child who calls you Mom.

Remember, your waiting will end one day.

And I’m telling you, sweet momma-in-waiting…

The road to motherhood—however bumpy it has been for you—will be well worth the wait.

Shelley Skuster

Shelley is a former award-winning television journalist who traded in suit coats and red lipstick for a messy bun and yoga pants. She's a freelance writer who stays at home with her three daughters who are all ((gasp)) under the age of three and came to her via adoption and birth. She's the woman behind the blog Shelley Writes and she can also be found on facebook and twitter as ShelleySkuster.

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Shelley Skuster

Shelley is a former award-winning television journalist who traded in suit coats and red lipstick for a messy bun and yoga pants. She's a freelance writer who stays at home with her three daughters who are all ((gasp)) under the age of three and came to her via adoption and birth. She's the woman behind the blog Shelley Writes and she can also be found on facebook and twitter as ShelleySkuster. - Subscribe form

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