One of the most exciting ways to celebrate a new baby is by having a baby shower – nearly every new mom looks forward to this gathering, where she will be pampered, doted on, and showered with adorable gifts for her new baby. Harley-shaped diaper cake? Check. Boutique-style bibs that will never be worn? Check. Totally impractical, but impossibly cute baby shoes? Check.

From the time a pregnancy is announced, the mom-to-be’s sister or best friend is usually already planning her shower. In the case of an expectant mother making an adoption plan, these celebrations can still happen – and should! Every new mother deserves to be loved and supported (regardless of what her role as mother will be), and every new baby absolutely needs to be celebrated. Here are some baby shower ideas for expectant mothers who have made an adoption plan.

Combined Baby and Placement Shower

In an anticipated adoption, not one but two women are becoming mothers. What better way to celebrate than to have the expectant mother and the hopeful adoptive mother both present? Guests can bring gifts for both of the new mothers. For the expectant mother, self-care and pampering items are wonderful. Inspirational and uplifting thoughts and books, keepsake items such as hand- and foot-casting kits, a memory bear, or gift cards to her favorite places are all appropriate and thoughtful gifts. Layette items, baby gear, and new-mom kits for the hopeful adoptive mom are great ideas. Baby is celebrated, expectant mother is supported, and hopeful adoptive mother gets to be loved on, too. It is a win-win all around. Though it was done after placement, here is a fun example of a combined baby shower.

Placement Shower

In my case, my adoptive couple lived 2,500 miles away. I would have loved a combined shower, but instead my mother and a good friend threw a placement shower for me. Friends and family were invited to celebrate my decision to place for adoption, and I received some amazing support gifts including books, poems, keepsake items, and gift certificates for a manicure and pedicure. These items all helped me feel comfort after placement. Some guests brought baby items for me to give to my adoptive couple at placement, including clothing and blankets. The main purpose of the shower was to spend time with the women who had supported me through my unplanned pregnancy and build my strength for the upcoming placement.

Send-Along Baby Shower

I have only seen this type of baby shower once, but I thought it was very sweet. The expectant mother did not want an open adoption, for her own reasons, but still wanted to celebrate her new baby. Guests brought thoughtful care items for the expectant mother, but were also encouraged to bring baby gifts as well. The baby items were then given to the adoptive couple after placement. This shower helped the expectant mother still feel the joy of the new life she was giving, but also helped her find comfort in knowing she had the support of friends and family when the time came to grieve. Family members who would not have a relationship with the baby after placement (again, due to the birth mother’s wishes) were still able to send along a gift for the baby, which gave some comfort.


Gender Reveal Party

These parties are so popular right now, and what better way to announce the gender to the chosen adoptive couple than to have everyone you love there, too? Check out THIS absolutely darling gender reveal party, with birth mom Emm and adoptive mom Denise (and their families, of course)!

I’m always up for a party! What have you done to celebrate placement/adoption?

Pregnant and considering adoption? You don’t need to do it alone. Click here to connect with a caring, compassionate adoption professional who can help you figure out what’s best for you and your baby. All consultations and counseling are absolutely free.  

Other adoption gift ideas for each individual in the adoption triad can be found at