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Did you do AncestryDNA ?
ISO Birthm...
Try doing AncestryDNA. Did you put a consent fo...
Hi , Did you sign up on registry.adoption.com dat...
ISO Birthmother/ Family
Baby boy born March 9, 1...
Even though Alaska adoptees can get their original...
Pa is now open for adoptees to get their birth cer...
You were born in Doylestown PA, pre-arranged adopt...
Searching for my daughter who was born in Atlanta,...
looking for son born 5/27/1967 in Williamsport Pa ...
Cacktisrose [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_PHRAS...
biggwing [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_PHRASE]I...
I was born may 28th 1967, in Richmond B.C.
I wqas born on May 27, 1967. I am searching for m...
hello were you born around this date-maybe i can h...
up on forum
Looking for my son born in Anchorage, Alaska Feb 1...
I was born and adopted around the end of November ...