Trusted online pharmacy for ADHD meds
There are medications that treat ADHD like Desoxyn...
CBD is an easy and effective way to help manage ad...
mothertwo [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_PHRASE]...
ForeverDad [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_PHRASE...
I have had pretty good success with Chamomile Calm...
RhondaBear, second the suggestion for HANDLE. The ...
Look into Cogmed Therapy. Its a computer program t...
What do your doctor suggest? Be careful giving sup...
I've heard Omega 3's.
I've been giving my daughte...
Hi, first-time poster here.
I am surprised your c...
I would recommend going on the GFCFKids yahoogroup...
I don't think anyone has a pharmocology degree, bu...
Strong black coffee laced with skim milk (no sugar...
Strong black coffee laced with skim milk (no sugar...
There are ADD boards that have information about n...
I don't know about supplements but there are thing...
Our 5 yr old adopted son has been diagnosed with A...
One of my friends used to suffer from arthritis an...