WELCOME TO THE SEARCH AND REUNION MESSAGE BOARD! If you know what adoption agency handled your adoption contact them for information from your adoption file that will help you with your search. If you were a private adoption or do not know the name of the adoption agency contact this office: West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources Office of Social Services 350 Capitol Street, Room 621 Charleston, WV 25301-3704 (304) 558-4303 Fax: (304) 558-8800 World Wide Web: [url][/url] E-mail: INFORMATION THAT IS AVAILABLE IN YOUR STATE: Non-identifying informationӔ is information from your adoption file about your birth parents. It generally includes ages, marital status, states of birth, education, religion, occupations and a physical description of your birth parents. Mutual Consent RegistryӔ is a registry where adoptees and birth parents can register the adoption information. If both parties register normally the agency responsible for the registry will notify both parties that consent has been given to contact each other. West Virginia Mutual Consent Voluntary Adoption Registry West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources Office of Social Services, 350 Capitol Street, Room 691 Charleston, WV 25301 (304) 558-2933 Fax: (304) 558-8800 E-mail: [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url]