I need some help on the wording to petition the courts in West Palm Beach, Florida to open my records. I live in Georgia now and I will be doing this by mail. Another Angel sent me the courts address and the judges name and the petition to fill out. I just need to fill it out. I have to make a brief statement to support my motion. I do have some medical problems but they are not life threating. I have 2 children and whenever they are sick and I have to take them to the Doctor or if they are admitted to the hospital (which both have) I have to tell them I do not know about their history on my side of the family because I am adopted!!! That's Not Fair!!!:mad: I want it to sound like I really really can't live with out this information but yet I don't want to sound pitiful either... Can any one help me.
Please respond either here or e-mail me at
Thank you in advance for your help.