for those of you who celebrate halloween what are your children thinking about dressing as this year? or what are you dressing your children as (depending on age)?
my mom always made halloween costumes for us. granted her sewing abilities were much greater, so i try to come up with ideas i can make on my own. last year i made my son a dalmation costume out of a hooded sweatsuit and black felt (i hot glued the felt spots to the outfit). this year he is really into thomas the tank engine, so i am making him a train costume out of a box. it is shaping up really cute. i had to start early to allow for mistakes. my daughter is only one, and i don't know if she will even be able to stay awake for halloween, but i don't know what she is going to be. if you have any cute suggestions they would be appreciated.
Last year friends of ours dressed up their 2 1/2 year old as a waiter! He was sooo cute!! Simple costume, black pants, white button down shirt, black bowtie and a dishtowel tucked in his pants!
what a cute idea! i bet he was adorable. we are going to put the finishing touches on the thomas costume this weekend. i always have his picute taken at wal-mart in his halloween costume, but i don't know if that will work this year, we'll have to see.
Liam was only 3 months old last year at Halloween. We dressed him up in a really cute cow costume and took him around the street to 3-4 houses that we are friends with. By the time we chatted with everyone, he was out "trick 'r treating" for over an hour!
AMomtoTwo, as for parents always took us out kind of mini-trick or treating early in the evening, to aunts, god parents, the couple neighbors up and down the street. We drove everywhere except the street, we have parents even set me on my godparents step, rang the doorbell and ran on my first Halloween at 8 months! (Admittedly, they lived next door :)) I think that's a good way to start out, and you can get the child used to the thank yous and everyone saying how cute they are. We took my niece out at 13 months, but that was the same, just to some friends and family. First neighborhood trick or treating was about 5.
you wrote...."my parents always took us out kind of mini-trick or treating early in the evening, to aunts, god parents, the couple neighbors up and down the street. We drove everywhere except the street, we have pictures...""
I love it!! I'm going to do that this year! It is a great way to teach the child what to do and what to say!!! I absolutely love it! Thank you!! Hugs to you! :) :)