My adoptive parents refuse to give me my birth certificate. I have tried everything to get them to give it to me but they still refuse. I am starting to lose hope. I really need it. I am trying to get back into high school and I need it if I am going to do this. What can I do? :confused:
Are you positive they have it? If so, and if you know where it is, I don't think you would be out of line in simply taking it. Don't sneak, just tell them, "I am taking this. It belongs to me." and then take it.
Better make sure they actually have it, though. I don't think it's all that common for aparents to have a copy of their child's original birth certificate...? That would sort of blow the whole excuse for closed adoption records, which is that it is to protect the privacy of everyone involved. (I'm assuming it's your original birth certificate you are talking about. If you're talking about your amended birth certificate, of course you can just go down to the courthouse and get a copy... you needn't involve your aparents at all.)
Best, ~ Shar
I dont think she is talking about the OBC, I think she means her amended...
All you have to do is go to your country registars office, pay the fee and get a copy. Its usually around 6 bucks.
If you dont know where that is, tell me what state your in and I can give you a web address to your states vital statistics office, where you can mail in for a copy.
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Holy family of Los Angeles gave my birthson adoptive parents his birth cert. when they asked for it, when they were given my birthson. I think a lot of it was a control thing as they have been against open records in the past .
by for now
Mary Mumby Ramirez
North Hollywood,CA:(