Originally Posted By Rose Brown
I live in Georgia. Recently my husband and I were contacted by a woman who wanted us to "come and get her grandchildren."
Her daughter, who according to her is heavy into drugs, had dumped the children and all their belongings with her, signing a paper giving her custody. She said she and her husband could not keep them and she wanted us to take them. She was very emotional and distraught. My husband told her if they still wanted to give them up the following Saturday (3 days later) we would love to have them. Well, before we met the children on Saturday she had involved DCFS. We fell totally in love with these kids and want them in our family so badly. It seems though that the mother has had a change of heart. She says she never intended to give permanent custody to her mother. There is a hearing on 4/1/02 to determine custody or guardianship....I am not sure which one. My question is this: If the state awards custody to the maternal grandmother, can she let me and my husband adopt them? She has told us she wants us to have them but that they will have to go to foster care before she can keep them much longer. The kids have different is in jail and the other doesn't seem to be interested. The boy's paternal grandmother says she wants custody of him but not his baby sister. They shouldn't be separated. It is just a big mess and these innocent babies are trapped in the middle and I can only imagine that they feel unloved and unwanted by everyone. We haven't had a home study or MAPP classes and it will be the first of June before they are offered again in this county. The county we live in doesn't allow you to take classes in a neighboring county. Is there any chance at all that we will be able to adopt these children? We need them; they need us. Any advice for us? One more point; we had not met these people prior to the phone call. They heard about us through someone at their church.
Originally Posted By Kurt Hughes
You're right, it is a big mess. If DCFS is involved, they may have custody, and would have to consent to the adoption. This could only occur after the biological parents rights were terminated. You should consult with a GA lawyer. Ruth Claiborne in Atlanta is excellent. This may be more of a mess than you want to become entangled with, however.
Good luck.
Kurt Hughes
See also the directory at for a list of Georgia lawyers from the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys