Hi all. Well I spoke with SA today and got some potentially good news. They have airline arrangements fro 6 birthmoms to arrive on Monday. So if they are true we will have a birthmom on Monday in hawaii. This is good news. And we were told that since we do not care if we have a boy or a girl it could be really fast from the match point. They try to match the bmoms who are the farthest along so they do indeed have families for their babies when they deliver. So if we have any good luch we could travel in a few weeks. But, as the rest of this adoption has not gone as planned, we won't hold our breath. I will post an update after talking to SA on Monday!!!:)
Yea! Sue!!!!! I am thrilled to hear this! Boy! It was getting close to that cut off date huh? But God is good! We were almost matched with a birthmother in Hawaii this past week. Everything was perfect except for the fact that we just can't swing the adoption costs AND our whole family of five traveling to Hawaii and staying for three weeks. And I can't leave the other children for that long either. So, although it broke my heart to do so, we decided to stick with the Oklahoma program. They are also supposed to have some birth mothers flying in this week and we hope to be matched with one. I hope to hear good news from you soon!
Hi! Check out Adoption Choices in California with Belinda Chu (sp?) . She is who we are working with but from what I understand, you have to be matched with a birth mother here in the states before October the first to be legal. Someone correct me if I am wrong. After that, she said that they would be going to be doing the Marshall Island adoptions internationally. Hope this helps!
Jenny, I completely understand about the travel costs! We are taking both of our children AND my mom to Hawai with us. It is going to cost us out the Ying Yang but I think it will be worth it. Merry Christmas to all of us this year. Now, we are hoping that SA comes through with a birthmom for us. If not we are thinking about going back to Russia for 2 infant/toddler boys. We are tired of getting told each week that there were no moms traveling, and being told that we are soooooo close but not quite there yet. I am sure you understand the emotions that you go through. This adoption seems to be more emotional for us than the other 2 as far as the waiting goes. It is so uncertain right now. And to top it off I have someone emailing me with so much negative stuff about our agency it is unbelievable! They never back any of it up with facts or somewhere to verify the information and the emails are never signed. It sounds like someone with a grudge and we are the target. I am often leery about opening my email because this hurts so much and He/She is NOT helping. I am sure they are going to read this message and probably email me again, but I need support, not negativity.
I will post as soon as I talk to Kathy tomorrow (later today) and let you know what I find out. Here is to hoping for a match tomorrow!!!
What news on your adoption? You should be close to a macth I would think.
Talk to you soon, Sue:)
Greetings Kathy et. al.,
The RMI shut down all adoption as a response to a number of agencies breaking their law and flying pregnant women to the U.S. Some of these adoption providers were also accused of using undue pressure on birth mothers once they were isolated in the U.S. Some were also accused of sticking local Welfare/Human Services agencies with large hospital bills. The women were in the U.S. on legal visas but false pretenses. It is arguable if U.S. law was broken. Pressuring a birth mother is certainly unethical, but some agencies operate without professional (i.e. with a degree and license of some sort) staff. As such, taking a person's professional/clinical license isn't possible when they pull shenanigans.
Eventually the U.S. and various state governments got involved and the practice mostly stopped. There are a few low-key operators still doing this in relatively small numbers.
The RMI eventually re-opened adoptions in country, under their courts. (They have American judges and attorneys, BTW.) Currently one agency is licensed to operate in the RMI. More might come with time. It is a small country.
Good luck in whatever route you take to adoption.
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