I am a foster mom in PA. I have two Foster daughters and no biological children. I have had my FD for almost a year. They are my very first placement and we are hoping to adopt them. I would like to talk with some one that has experience dealing with an incarcerated BP. Experience with TPR of incarcerated BP etc. Any info. would be appreciated!
I see it's been a while since you first posted this. I can't offer any info other than to tell you I am in the same situation. I've had my FD for 10+ months now and her incarcerated birthparent is going to be released in a few weeks. There's no guarantee she'll be returned to the parent because of the situation, but the possibility has me scared as we desperately want to adopt her. As I understand the Safe Family Act, we still have several months before the court goal would be automatically changed from reunification to Termination of rights. I have no idea how long after that it takes to terminate rights.
Anyway, just know that you aren't alone. If you want to talk about things, please email me