I am new to this board-have been on the Guatemala one- the summer has been hard for those of us trying to adopt from Guatemala. I am looking at this program of adopting from the Marshall Islands, but I am confused. The birth mothers come to Hawaii to deliver- do they have to have visas or papers to do this- and then the baby is a US citizen because he/she was born in the US. What are the legalities of all this? What about the birth father- terminating his parental rights- especially if he is in the Marshall Islands? I also read that as of October 1st, all Marshall Islands adoptions will be considered international adoptions with couples going there to adopt- what does this do to the adoption process of birthmothers who are already in the US, but not due to deliver for a couple of months? Any recommendations on agencies to consider for this program?
Any information is appreciated. You can email me privately.
Jane Turner