I was adopted in Missouri in 1979 and have begun to search for my birthfamily. In the course of this search I have discovered that if you are born before August 13, 1986 in this state, all parties including the adoptive parents, must be notified and consent must be given.
I have no wish to hurt or worry my adoptive family. In the past when I have brought the issue up, my mom (who has emotional problems, and at times threatened to commit suicide) has become extremely distraught. They've given me everything and I don't want them hurt.
Is there any possible way to get past this requirement. Afterall, I am 24 years old and not a dependant.
Let me know what you think and thanks for the help!
Not that I know of. I tried to get around it and finally hard to take the hard route of getting my family settles with the idea that I was searching.
I expressed to them what it really felt like to have no nationality when you have to fill out those forms - or having people always ask you, "where are you from?" and having to make up smart-*** answers. I continued to work through my mother's feelings by asking her what she was afraid of and working on one reassurance at a time. I also brought her and my father into the "process" a little so that we could all share the non-id infor when it came.
We all sat down together at that time and went through it page by page and tried to figure it out like a puzzle.
Here's where I quietly drew the line. From this point on, when I hired a Missouri court intermediary, I didn't speak of it to my parents. They didn't ask and I didn't bring it up. But I had decided that if they did, I would be low-key but I would tell them that I was looking into getting some questions to be answered through the state system. I just staued a bit vague and non-plussed.
Not long after my birthmother was contacted and denied me, my parents asked about it one night. I took a deep breath and told them the truth.
They were horrified that the woman refused contact with me and were actually more worried about MY state of mind more than THEIRS!@! lolol
I guess ya never know. Good luck to you and if I can be of any help to you don't hesitate to ask!
Hi, Iam a birthmom searching for my Son who was born in Missouri in 1973, but not adopted untill somewhere between 75-79. am i understanding this correctly, that if his A-parents say no, no matter how old he is he can not look for me. And i also wonder what would happen if a B mom and child met on one of these sites, would it be against the law for them to meet. That is my burning question, thanks so much. Pat
No! It is NOT against the law for a bithmother and child to meet at all. it is against the law for the STATE OF MO to give out any identifying information that would help them locate each other- that's means no adress, phone numbers, name of state where the mother was from or the location where the child was placed.
Your child needs the permission (a written release) from the adoptive parents in order to obtain what is called NON-identifying information from the state. This would be any information about you, your family and social history and the social history of the the father that you provided the the agency at the time of relinquishment. (minus names and addresses, states and such).
If one or both of the adoptive parents are deceased, a copy of their death certificates can be submitted instead with the request for non-identifying information.
If both a child and the birthmother are searching through the state and have filed the appropriate papers, consent will be give to connect the two. Otherwise, we're all on our own.
Does that help? Call the Dept of Family Services in Jefferson City, MO and ask for the adoption specialist to obtain all forms and ask any questions about state laws. They are very helpful to that extent.
Good Luck. Write me if you have more questions and the Search Guru on this site (Colleen Bruckner) is awesome. She can help direct you.