My daughter in Arkansas is pregant (6 months) and has a family who wants to adopt her baby. I belive it is acceptable for her to be compensated for medical expenses and perhaps living expenses. My question is can she legally ask for further compensation to cover some other items such as past bills and she needs a car. This is a traumatic time for her and if she had about $18,000 above living and medical expenses she could back on her feet and start over with her life.
Thanks for your inquiry. Adoption laws vary from state to state, and I cannot advise you on the specific legalities of your situation in Arkansas. Most states will permit a birth mother to be reimbursed for reasonable pregnancy-related expenses, but these cannot include "extras" over and above these reasonable expenses (some states do permit these reimbursements, however).
I recommend that you speak with an attorney in Arkansas who is familiar with adoption-related issues. You might be able to find an experienced attorney, who is a member of the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys, at [url=""][/url], or I would be happy to give you a couple of recommendations.
Please let me know if you have any questions and if I may be of any assistance.
Greg Franklin
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